GTA maternity, baby, child and family photographer

Please click here to visit my website. You'll find more examples of my work, pricing and contact info.


Is now fully booked for March. Please contact me should you wish to book a session for April and beyond!

Please note that I do not book sessions on Sundays or Mondays.

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Gift Certificates

Just before Christmas, I started rethinking about re-doing my gift certificates. I liked them, but I didn't LOVE them. I attempted to redesign my own, but it just wasn't working out so I gave up. I wanted nice. I wanted different. I wanted someone else to design them for me. But who?

I can't remember what gave me the idea, but all of a sudden, it came to me...why not get someone who designs wedding invitaions? I did a few searches for some customized wedding invitations, and I then I found Jeromina at out-of-the-box ideas. After browsing around her site for a little while I knew this is who I wanted to design my gift certificates. I called her up and asked if she'd be willing to do a non-wedding invitation design.

After a few emails back and forth she came up with a design, mailed out a proof and I was smitten. It was perfect. I told her to go ahead and make a bunch and she did (and quickly too). Take a look at the finished result...


anastasia January 19, 2010 at 8:50 AM  

Carly those are gorgeous!!

mellyskater January 27, 2010 at 9:10 PM  

Very nice i hope i get some for my shower!

Please click here to visit my website. You'll find more samples of my work, pricing and contact info.

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